
Our Facilities


Svarna delivers training and courses in the following formats:


Svarna has a variety of teaching a training spaces in its facility in The Business Centre at Burjuman. The space used will depend on the nature and size of the group. All spaces are Covid-compliant. Masks are worn by instructors and trainees, and we following regulations on social distancing. 

Face-to-face learning helps those who need assistance in organizing themselves and their studies. They can interact with their instructors and other students and share ideas more easily. In some circumstances where active learning is involved, it is simply not possible to carry out these activities on-line. 


Where possible, and by request, individuals and small groups may be counselled or instructed via Zoom. Online education enables the teacher and the student to set their own learning pace, and there’s the added flexibility of setting a schedule that fits everyone’s agenda and allows geographically distant trainees to be involved without having to travel. It also means it is possible to achieve a better balance of work and studies, especially if a class can be fitted into part of a work day.
All Svarna trainers and instructors are experienced in on-line instruction.

Self-Directly Study

Coming shortly to Svarna will be a variety of courses that can be purchased to study anywhere.  Self-directed learning allows a trainee or student to explore areas they personally find interesting. In addition to being more affordable and convenient, this form of learning is surpassing classroom learning in many colleges and universities. We at Svarna believe self-directed study and traditional classroom learning complement one another. When used together, they can help our students learn and retain information better. Over time, Svarna will release a wide variety of courses as these are designed.